Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Hill

For being an overweight person, I have always had a pretty active lifestyle. I can walk forever, or so it seems. But running is one game I have never been able to crack. I finally decide to call Couch to 5k a loss and do this on my own. This weekend I attempt to go outside and it was freezing, typical Blaine would turn around and call it a loss. BUT the new and improved Blaine went straight downstairs to an empty gym and got on the treadmill. I did a nice warm up and then would run until I couldn't breathe anymore and then I would walk. Once I caught my breathe I would run again. This was great, I breezed through a short workout, not wanting to over work myself I did a short workout. Sunday morning, I did the same thing. I am so proud of myself.

My biggest weakness hit me on Sunday afternoon- booze. It started off just laying by the pool sipping water and end with drinking a handle of gin (with two others of course) and eating three veggie burgers. Are you kidding me!?!?! Three burgers and booze. I woke up on Memorial Monday, and knew it was game over for working out. I swore up and down I would get a workout in, no dice.

But Tuesday before work I got out of bed, put Cubbie in his crate and when for a run. I mapped my route out before I went to bed the night before, I've learned in life I should do as much as possible at night but mornings are not my thing. I started out walking at a normal pace and then ran a long stretch, very proud of myself. I finished the part of the street walking. I then ran around my work parking garage and kept going, pushing myself beyond my limits and up the hill. Little known fact the streets surrounding the US Capitol are miserable for running. I did it though, without dying. I walked for a little bit and got in one more run before walking the rest of the way home.

I can't believe I ran that hill, I can't wait to do it tomorrow. I need to lengthen my route but I am at a loss for which streets I should add. I will admit I love my neighborhood in my quadrant of DC, but its still an up and coming neighborhood and the homeless are still sleeping around at 6am. If I had the courage to run under one bridge I would be able to run the Mall, which is an ultimate goal. I just don't know who I will meet under that bridge in the morning. Sorry Mom, hope you are not reading this right now.

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” 
― Gautama Buddha

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